Well, it was a long day today 15.5hrs , went rather well though, a couple of problems arouse, due to crappy aftermarket parts, but got it to work out in the end, i got my drivers side all finished up and the gas cap welded in. Made the piece with the english wheel at work, guessed at the shape and got it really close, then just used my wood hammer to finish it off. The inner rocker on my drivers sie was too short so i had to extend it height wise. It all works out in the end.
After i was done all this a friend stopped by for a few wobble pops and then helped me clean my shop up so i could put my cab on the truck, what a feeling that was. Just pure joy seeing her look like something again. I am still tingling. Thanks Tyler.

Once he left, i removed the cab and figured out what i was gonna do with the firewall, most will be smoothed, and i wanted something different so i will bevel the edge to mold it all together, if this makes sense good, if not there is pics. What do you guys think, will it look ok. I really wanted to put in vintage air, but the budget will not allow it this year, so the heater has to stay and i wanted it to blend in with the rest,I think it looks a good different. let me know.
Anyways, gotta go, later
Total Hours: 253hrs