I am using the "Lever Lock" you can see it mounted on the left. Basically it holds the line pressure to the front calipers. Press the brakes and then move the lever up. Now you can let go of the brake pedal. The primary reason I have this lever lock is for wheeling. Hill climbs can get a bit scary if you have to stop and start again with a clutch ~ 3 feet are better than two. I can move the lever to release the brakes at the same speed I am letting the clutch out. This keeps my rig from rolling back ( I blew a rear driveline trying to get re-started up a hill before I had my line lock) roll back = carnage!
they make push button type but you can't 'feel' the brakes with that type, on or off with no inbetween.
I removed the rear section of the ebrake and left the primary pull cable intact for future install of a working ebrake.
As for the bump stops you need to make sure the stop hits before your knuckle hits the main part of the axle:

When I set mine I just made sure to crank the streering both ways and adjusted the stops to hit before anything else touches, but no too much to screw with the turning radias..
Hope that makes sence...
Yup, bleading you start with the pass side rear, then driver rear, pass front, driver front.