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Old 05-12-2009, 06:41 PM   #1
Bryce Sills
Registered User
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Kirkland WA
Posts: 5
Hello from Washington

I found this site while searching for some parts for my newest rig, a 64 GMC. I just bought a house and we quickly discovered that my Fairlane isn't the greatest rig for hauling lumber or dirt! Somehow I managed to talk my wife into an old truck, and I have always loved this bodystyle! I've got a ton of questions as this is my fist truck and my first Chev/GMC. The truck has the 305 v6 with the granny 4spd. I'd like to start collecting parts to change over to a 350/350 combo. Is there an existing thread about this that anyone can point me too?

Anyway, glad to be here, seems like a great forum.
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