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Old 05-12-2009, 10:26 PM   #1
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wiring and guages

Sorry to post another wiring question in this forum. Had not gotten a response to this current question.

Has anyone had any experience using the ZZ-20 wiring harness from It's-a-snap wire and cable? "20,000 sold in the US" according to their website.

The "Ultimate Pack" is what I was thinking about going with for $495.00
Looks like you have to terminate the steering column terminals yourself. Everything is labled and numbered every 5 inches on the wire. It comes in a package kit to include elec. wiper kit, elec. window kit, complete wiring harness, and halogen headlights with built in LED turn signals. It also comes with all the sending units. All this for about the same as I would pay for just the 18 circuit truck harness at Painless. Is it "to good to be true?"

Also thier parent company TPI has some very reasonable guages. 5" quad with mechanical or programable Speedo for $310.00.

The programable Speedo has a ton of features. Single button easy to set calibration, trip odometer, Oil change reminder, hours traveled, speed warning indicator (I could see where that would be handy for my lead foot)

With the programable speedo I would also need a $35.00 wave generator that attaches to the tranny and replaces the mechanical speedo cable.

I called them with a couple of questions and they seem to have good support.
Are they to good to be true????? need feedback!
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