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Old 05-13-2009, 05:24 PM   #60
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Re: GOOD NEWS!!!! Problem solved!

Originally Posted by padresag View Post
Ron, this is Lewis. Please forgive me for not getting back sooner, but I have been busy in my work for the church I serve. I checked both my 65-66 parts manual and my 67-72 parts manual. This is what I discovered: 1964-6 body mounts are p/n 3794779, w/dimentions of 1.76" w; 3.00" l; 0.92" thick, needing 8 (up & lwr same). The 67-8 p/n is 3909351 up & lwr, 69-72 uses 3909351 as the lwr, but p/n 3946246 is the upr. No dimensions are given for these cushions, and it seems that the frame changed in '69. Qty's in 67-8 are 16, with 69-72 requiring 10 of each. If you have dimensional access to the later cushions, these 64-66 dimensions should help you. Like you, I suspect that the 67-8 cushions will work, but there is no superseded p/n's between the body styles. I can tell you that years ago I bought cab mounts for my 65 and the p/n's had superseded to the mounts for the 67-72 cabs. I hope that this info is of some assistance in answering this question.

the good ones that I have measure about .720" thick but if one measures in the round raised protrusion( around the bolt hole) that was mentioned earlier
Lewis's measure of 0.92" thick would be correct
I re-read all of this. I believe the reason that this kit advertised 67-72 is that, as Lewis Matkin stated to Ron via email, that 67-68 used p/n 3909351 for upper and lowers, and the 69-72 used that part for the lowers, but a different upper. Looking at my "67-72" set, the 69-72 uppers are larger in all dimensions. Apparently if you buy this set, you have to flip flop which pads you use as the uppers depending on if you have a 67-68 or a 69-72. The hole is definitely much larger, so I will probably have to come up with something different as a sleeve. I may be able to use some rubber hose in there in some way. Have to give it some thought once I dissect the bed this summer. No time now, but thought I'd snatch these up while I could still get some.
The 73-80 blazer mounts look to be slightly smaller maybe, but have the smaller hole. No idea on thickness, but maybe Harmon's would give you a dimension of you contacted them.

As it looks, the raised rubber flange on these 67-72 mounts probably fits in a hole on the frame which is larger than the 60-66 frames, so this will probably need trimmed off. Then I could just insert a 1" rubber hose in there to make up the difference. The inner metal tubular sleeve might be a slight issue, but I'm not quite sure on it's length/depth and what purpose it served. I don't imagine you would want a metal sleeve sandwiched between the metal plates that the rubbers are molded to, because if you had them in there like that, and not floating, then you would have a rigid mount with a large block of rubber around it. So I think Maybe the rubber hose with a metal sleeve in the middle section of it where it goes through the frame might be enough.

Gotta run to Napa asap and pick up my rear engine (bellhousing) mounts that are in , $7 each! Also a front wheel cylinder. Can't believe how much they have in stock in their local warehouse, being that those wheel cylinders were last used on a 1963 front drum brake truck! wow. was so cheap though that they were the same price before tax with next day express shipping.

EDIT - no time to re-read the rest here at the moment, but maybe the metal sleeves are only in the bottom mount? And then they protrude enough into the upper mount to firmly locate the raised rubber section between the inside of the frame hole and the bolt??? This makes sense to me now. I can make this work no problem. Just need some rubber hose and replace some missing sleeves with some similar tubing or pipe.
Chuck in Ohio
*1962 GMC 1000 Panel Truck - 305D/Saginaw 4sp soon: 351C V6 + AX15 5sp OD trans, & 75-87/91 disc brake front end
*1988 Suzuki Samurai 4x4 project, VW 1.9L mTDI, Toyota R151F transmission & Toyota full floater axles, LWB body tub stretch project
*Many 1977-1979 Suzuki GS motorcycles, Kawasaki KDX220R, '77 Suzuki PE250, etc

Last edited by Chuck78; 05-13-2009 at 05:27 PM.
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