Thread: My new toys
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Old 03-23-2003, 02:33 PM   #10
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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The black was not an option, it was on all 71/72 GMC trucks. THe blue and white one you can see the recessed area for the black paint. Pretty common for it to be all rubbed off by now, but the green one looks (from this angle) to have a 69/70 grill on it.
I agree with RCDVL on the discs...onless you have an option sheet or build sheet to say otherwise, something has been swapped. Bee it chassis or just the brakes, they came with 5 lug and discs.
I'm noticing there are no GMC emblims on the hood, nor holes for them. Probably not the correct hood, good sign of tampering.
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