Re: Rising from the Ashes
72BlckButy I am just looking for a new tub. I am planning on buying a brand new doghouse as well as looking for a Tub with glass. Most of the little things I can salvage, lots of grinding and torch work then I have to move it all to the new house. I think I will tarp it for now then disassemble when we move. However If I get a hold of a good tub sooner than my plans must be accelerated. I am located in Southern IL and have no way of towing anything at the moment. That same tree also took out the RV which had the only other hitch in the family. So if there is one close to me out there I could sure use it.

1972 4x4 suburban (Squashed)
1978 Deville
1978 Allegro RV (For Sale)
"What the mind of man can conceive, It can achieve."