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Old 05-17-2009, 10:30 PM   #168
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Re: The Project Havoc....

well the other nite i went outside and what a surprise, it was snowing, so much for taking the bike for a ride. oh well. And on to better news. i went to the shop this weekend and got some done to my cab, primed and some color, sure looks nice to me. I think my new name for her will be patches. hehe. i got he rad support and fenderwells and the a couple of other things done, so as of now i am gonna go home and clean and arrange my garage. time to start assmebly.

Iknow, I know, you are thinking what! You bet, i am gonna assemble her right now and then get her running and drive her for the summer then tear her apart for winter and finish her how i want. i got ideas. Anyways, on to pics, there is a few.

later James

Total Hours:275hrs
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1968 GMC "HAVOC"
1986 GMC "Frank"
J.J.R.H. Design & Consulting

My 68`Rebuild "HAVOC":
A 58' chev build thread:
1969 Camaro Pro Touring
Swiss Cheese:
Adjustable Trailing Arm How-To:
1968 Ford Farm Truck:
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