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Old 05-18-2009, 06:01 PM   #380
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Originally Posted by protrash64 View Post
I hope I was clear on that last reply......hope you get it straight.
Man, you hit the center of the target.

Home Depot and Lowe's does carry exactly what your speaking of - usually in conjunction with one of those tiny lines running off water heaters and such for their thermostat mechanisms.

Fortunately, when I was talking with one of the guys in the shop at second break - he thought he had one in a small tin in his tool box:

The fitting is hex stock, about 3/4" long - 1/8" NPT on one end and straight thread (compression) on the other - with about a .080 diameter hole down the center, and we were able to grub up ONE crimping sleeve.

I deburred the one end of the sample (4" long) piece and it just slides over the outside of the tube - as does the compression nut. With a short little riser pipe to come from the block hole, a coupler and this trick little fitting - I think my last start up excuse just evaporated.

Thank you.

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My ex-wife never let me get a word in edgewise.
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