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Old 05-19-2009, 12:36 AM   #13
60-66 Nut

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Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
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Re: My 307 rebuild... yes a 307

The Vortec heads would definitely help with the power, but I would be curious how the MPG would be between the Vortecs and the stock heads. The Vortecs should be as good if not better for MPG since they have a more efficient combustion chamber. Plus in theory an engine with more power requires less throttle opening to create enough power to move the vehicle.

Have you read this article on a 307 build? It's not what I'd call a budget build, but it may give you some ideas.
Power Steering Box Adapter Plates For Sale HERE
Power Brake Booster Adapter Brackets For Sale '63-'66 HERE and '67-'72 HERE and '60-'62 HERE and "60-'62 with clutch HERE
Rear Disc Brake Brackets For Sale. Impala SS calipers HERE Camaro Calipers HERE D52 Calipers HERE 6 Lug HERE
Hydroboost Mounting Plates HERE
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