Re: VIN decode please
Here is a Sample VIN and Model Number for a 69' Chevy Pickup
1967-1972 VIN Number Codes
Example: CE149J 100001
Chassis Designation (1st digit)
C= 4x2
K= 4x4
Engine Deisgnation (2nd digit)
E = V-8 Gas
S = Six Cylinder Gas
GVW Range (3rd Digit)
1 = 1/2 Ton
2 = 3/4 Ton
3 = 1 Ton
Model Code (4th Digit)
4 = Pickup with Cab and Bed
Model Year (5th Digit)
7 = 1967
8 = 1968
9 = 1969
0 = 1970
1 = 1971
2 = 1972
Assembly Plant
A = Atlanta
B = Baltimore
F = Flint
J = Janesville
N = Norwood
P = Pontiac
S = St. Louis
T = Tarrytown
Z = Fremont
1 = Oshawa
Vehicle Serial Number
100001 = 1st Unit Built
1967-1972 Model Number Codes
(The Model Number is located on the inside of the glove box door.)
Example: C E 1 09 9 34 J 100001
Chassis Designation (1st digit)
C = 4x2
K = 4x4
P = Forward Control
Engine Deisgnation (2nd digit)
E = V-8 Gas
S = Six Cylinder Gas
GVW Range (3rd Digit)
1 = 1/2 Ton
2 = 3/4 Ton
3 = 1 Ton
Cab To Axle Dimension (4th Digit)
07 = 42"-47"
09 = 54"-59"
10 = 60"-65"
12 = 72"-77"
13 = 78"-83"
14 = 84"-89"
15 = 90"-95"
Model Year (5th Digit)
7 - 1967
8 - 1968
9 - 1969
0 - 1970
1 - 1971
2 - 1972
Body and Brake (6th Digit)
02 = Flat Face Cowl
03 = Cab
04 = Stepside Pickup
05 = Panel
06 = Suburban
09 = Cab, Platform, and Stake Rack
12 = Windshield Cowl
16 = Suburban (Tail and Liftgate)
26 = Custom Suburban (Panel Rear Doors)
34 = Fleetside Pickup
35 = Foward Control (Square Front)
36 = Deluxe Suburban (Panel Rear Doors)
42 = Forward Control Chassis
45 = Forward Control Panel (Round Front)
Assembly Plant
A = Atlanta
B = Baltimore
F = Flint
J = Janesville
N = Norwood
P = Pontiac (GM Truck)
S = St. Louis
T = Tarrytown
Z = Fremont
1 = Oshawa, Ont., Can.
Vehicle Serial Number
100001 = 1st Unit Built