Thread: 70 and 72 cab
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Old 05-20-2009, 06:37 PM   #10
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Re: 70 and 72 cab

after really looking at my cab its bad but not as bad as i thought but it still needs alot.It needs cab corners,rockers and inners,rear cab support, and small floor patches,kick panel and im going to guess and the pillar patch.Yeah its alot but i'll just be needing pieces of each.I seen or thought i seen on here what order should these be done in from 1st to last but can't find it so if someone has done this all please let me know.On the inner rocker do i need that if im getting the cab floor extensions (if i said that right).Plus is it easier with the cab on the frame or off the frame.Will i need to do alot of braceing up the inside so nothing shifts.I'll be useing goodmark unless someone knows something better.If its better off the frame what have you made to sit the cab on for this maybe point me to a post where i can see a good cab rack.I have never laid my hands on a truck as far as this type of work as you can tell lol

Last edited by lucky70; 05-20-2009 at 06:39 PM.
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