Re: custom grill idea?
It doesn't look good in MS paint. Few things do. Find a cheap scrap grille and go to work. Find a way to make it look good. That is exactly what I intend to do soon. I don't have an exact direction yet, but some ideas floating around in my mind. I am either going to build something right from scratch or find something on another vehicle to build around. It doesn't matter if everyone likes it, negative feedback will always exist. Find an idea you like and run with it. I can understand the purist's point of view, but it isn't what all of us are after.
The bottom line is once you've seen a GMC, you have pretty much seen 'em all. There is nothing setting them apart like the Chevrolets except subtle differences. We have SFA as far as doing something a little different, and there is nothing aftermarket for us. Time to fabricate! You start and I'll follow your lead.