If any of you have ever read my article
"77 Cheyenne meets Ramjet 350" you will know two things are prone to happen on a venture like this. I do my best to plan everything well in advance, and try to keep the project on course. You also know I have a couple of buddies that usually have different thoughts all together.
Wanting to share my good news with my old buddy Keith (n2billet) I called him up. I gave him the details of the contest and the generous offer extended by Air Ride. In our conversation I mentioned that the bed really needed to come off of the truck to allow for photo documentation. He agreed, and said I have an idea, let me call you back.
In a few minutes my cell rang, and it was Keith saying "ok, here's the plan. You bring everything here and we will install it". The "we" part of the equation included our mutual friend Roger. He had recently ventured out on his own after several years of running a hot rod shop. This would be an opportunity to promote his new business venture and showcase his skills.
Since Roger and Keith had done the original Air Ride install, which consisted of a CoolRide set up in front, and a simple but effective AIRoverLeaf in the rear. I couldn't think of a better team to complete this project as well. It's to early to know for sure, but I have a suspicious feeling that this won't be your average install.
C10 63-87 CoolRide- Front
AIRoverLeaf- 3000lb underframe/2.5leaf kit