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Old 05-22-2009, 10:59 AM   #12
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Re: Trying to figure out what chassis my truck is on.

What are yall talking about full time 4wd for? Maybe i don't understand hubs but one of my buddys whos a 4wd tech was telling me that my 4wd wouldn't engage unless I locked my hubs and then put it in 4 wheel. I think the hubs were added but what makes em work? what exactly do they do? Sorry if i'm noobing out on you guys but this is my first truck. I've not had a lifted or 4wd truck before. Alot different than my old monte carlo ss.

EDIT- Maybe yall were saying you think this was a full time 4wd chassis originally and the hubs were added so that the driver could decide when it engages?
VIN on glovebox says 1972, previous owner says 1971 C10 4x4 Convert. 7" of lift. New 33" Cepek Mud Country's. Thanks to our Vets past and present

Last edited by Outlaw_71; 05-22-2009 at 11:00 AM.
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