Originally Posted by glimmertwin01
and now the cleaned block with head and block IDs
note its Dark blue but the pan valve cover and intake are red any decyphering help would be great and i went to Adv auto to get a new clutch and gaskets and see if i could get a timing chain.... clutch kit was cheap...the timing chain n gears isnt and said it was Aluminum gears could that be right??? and 70 bux to boot... like 3 times the cost of s SBC cahin n gears
You want the metal timing gears. Somebody sells plastic, nylon or fibreglas gearsets -- skip that. I got 25 years and 250,000 miles out of my last 292 that I built in 1977. These things last.
As I said in the email F0817XAE means:
F= Built at Flint Mich.
08 = On August,
17=the 17th,
XAE= '68 292 Manual transmission
The mounts you show in the pic are a mismatch.
There's an old style, and a new "safety" style. Looks like you have one of each. You got the leavings from somebody else's engine swap. Just get 2 new mounts. Looks like the SBC and the L6s share the same type. You want fresh rubber anyway. So what if they're made in Thailand or India -- that's where the rubber is. About $15 each at the major vendors.