making a van tilt into a four speed tilt
now that ive been doing my weekend 3 spd to 4 spd/ non tilt to tilt changeover for a full three weeks im starting to get something done. today i ground off the bump where the shifter column went in, and using peices of a mountain dew can i made a backing plate to cover that hole, the pointer hole, and the light bulb hole. then i covered it all in jb weld and its drying now, but it is already looking pretty good. just need to sand it and paint and it will look just like a four speed tilt column. good enough for me anyway. it feels good to get some work done. its in the 60s here so i need to button her up and drive it. i cant wait to try out the new four speed.
Brandon, SD
69 GMC 1/2 ton 2wd
wide long bed with wood
3 on the tree
350 engine 4 bolt main
rv cam
AIM = Alphray04