Originally Posted by sixfour4x4
no smog here in NV for 67 and older. there's some weird engine swap laws, but as long is it's 67 and older, you can do whatever. and you can make anything pass smog, just lean it way out and remove vacuums to lean it further. i had a 225 in my jeepster before swap and it burned a quart of oil for a tank of gas, and i still got it to pass 
You can't do that here. You can't remove vacuums. They will see it and it will fail. We don't have to smog anything 1975 and older, so if I put a 66 body on it I can register it as a 66 and not even worry about it.
My 79 passes anyway with flying colors as it is. No one wants to buy something like that though. I put a 700R4 trany and 208np transfer case from an 88 burb also.