I helped a buddy lift & set a 55 Chevy body back on it's chassis (after paint). In turn, he came out to the shop & looked over my 'tweaked' frame that I thought was straight. It appears the problem starts from the front bed panel reward which is why we didn't notice when I got the frame (we only had a 12ft tape measure & quickly verified the front half of the frame. It was square so I figured we were good

Then I drove out to my buddies new shop (he was the manager @ Stoked Out Specialties before it closed). He's making progress....not as fast as desired, but progress none-the-less.
After that, I had an appointment to look @ the 'stash' of truck stuff a guy advertises on Craigslist (their ad's have been linked here before). They must of had 30-40 6X-66 trucks. They even had a crewcab, extended cab, & several suburbans in various states of condition. The only thing was they didn't have one 'nice' truck (nice meaning even a beater/driver) to help advertise. Super nice guys though & they liked my 74.
Today was yard clean-up & then a little stuff @ work. I also loaded up the tweaked frame for a trip to the frame/alignment shop in the am.