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Old 06-03-2009, 07:31 AM   #32
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Re: Problems with GMC Pauls?

hawker7 we did not refuse to accept the gas cap we actually gave you a RMA# (Return Materials Authorization #)to do so, We said you could return it for exchange on a 72 gas cap not for refund as it was what you ordered and not a defective part, and no one said you could not return it at the same time as the heater core, and I'm sorry if you feel your having to pay the quoted $4.80 for shipping on the 72 gas cap to ship to you when we had already shipped you the gas cap you ordered was to much to ask.
I also took the time to find the 1 other error on a order shipped to you. Guess what we were out of the part and we had it drop shipped from the Calif. supplier, they shipped you 2 vent window seal sets instead of 2 glass run channels, we then let you keep 2 sets of vent window seals which we still had to pay for since we did not have you return them and had the 2 glass run channels shipped out.
We also are in the process of refunding you now on the heater core and the return shipping costs.
Unlike ALL the other BIG stores out there that do not refund return shipping we do refund return shipping costs when we make a mistake.
I again appoligize for the mistake and again I hope that you have a nice day and that all your futures orders where ever you place them go smotthly on the wings of angels!! God bless you and yours and may he watch out over you and your needs.
Paul @ GMCPauls
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