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Old 06-04-2009, 10:27 AM   #2
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Okay - initial start up pointers are coming in from the guys at the shop - see what you think:

A./ Use starting fluid - it makes it easier to get going. Didn’t do this on the Chevelle’s crate engine - fired off instantly - spit for a second until I rotated the HEI a few degrees - then smoothed right out.

B./ Don’t use starting fluid - too heavy of a load on the brand new bearings and rotating assembly.

C./ Fast idle at 2,000 - to 2,200 RPM, for 20 full minutes to break the cam in.

D./ Fast idle no quicker than 1,500 RPM, for just 10 minutes.

E./ Leave the radiator cap off so you can see if the coolant is flowing.

F./ Jack the rear end up - just clearing the tires off the ground - in case the transmission is in gear. (remember - the linkage to the shifter hasn’t been hooked up yet).

G./ Do not start the motor unless you’re sure it is in PARK only - something about tranny fluid leaking out the tail because the yoke’s extended out about 1.5" more than usual.


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My ex-wife never let me get a word in edgewise.
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