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Old 06-04-2009, 07:21 PM   #44
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Re: Body man head aches

Probably not so much a con man as it is another guy who has the cash up front from someone he feels he knows well enough to be able to sluff off.
I've seen it too many times over the years. "Ah, I'm giving him a deal so I don't have to get it done right away and I have the money already anyhow". I've even gone along and helped pull a couple of rigs out of shops for that same reason.

I'd say written contract up front on exactly what is to be done, the level it is to be done to and the stages that payment will be made. That meaning that after the work reaches a certain level of completion. (wish Opra had spell check) a set payment will be made.
That process is pretty much the norm for the guys I know who do custom body and paint work around here.
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