Thread: Newb from TN
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Old 06-05-2009, 12:44 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Millington, TN
Posts: 5
Newb from TN

Hello all! My name is Chris. I'm from Millington, TN which is right outside of Memphis. I recently obtained a '69 Chevy SWB, my second. I had one back in highschool. I was the second owner. It was my first source of transportation. Regretfully I sold her about 8 years back, but not before dropping in a nice 406 and Muncie 4-speed. What a fun truck! I've wanted another ever since.

7 months ago my wife & I had our first youngin. A boy we named Seth. As soon as I told my wife(who I met originally in my first '69) about the truck, she immediately started calling it Seth's truck. She said she wants him to have a cool old truck like his dad did! Hence, my user name!

The one I have now is gonna need quite a bit of TLC. She's been sittin for a while. Needs rockers, cab corners, etc. It optioned out like my original truck with the exception that it's a factory automatic. I've already got a mildly built '98 Vortec 350 & 700R4 to go in it. I'm wanting to do the Hot Rod Power Tour in it in the next year or two. It's gonna take a little while, but I figure I've got plenty of time to build on it & enjoy it before Seth's old enough to drive it! Who knows? He may want his own project when he gets to that age, which would be completely fine. I'd enjoy that a much as I would the thought of him driving mine, or well, his. You get it!

I will try to post pics as it progresses. Thanks all! Awesome site!!!
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