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Old 06-05-2009, 06:16 AM   #2
Southern C10
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Location: Whispering Pines, NC
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Re: replacement fenders hoods etc non OEM

I have tried to stay with all original parts just cause personally it is less worry about fit and quality. As far as that being a completly true thought I dont know. This is my first rebuild and I dont know a whole lot but heres some of the things folks have said to me.

Repop pieces always need work to make them fit.
The metal is not as thick and as good a quality as OEM.
If you use repop use Tri-Plus or GoodMark.
Dont buy repop tailgates and put weight on them. They will fold like a taco.
Dont buy expensive NOS stuff unless its gonna be a historic show truck rebuild.

Again, Those are just some comments from board members I received when I started my rebuild. Having said that, every piece on my truck is OEM except the SWB bedsides. The PO had already replaced them and I cant tell the difference in quality or fit. Im sure there is a pound or two difference but nothing else. The only concern I have had is if the OEM tailgate I bought will match up to the bed sides.

I did buy two front fenders from GMC Pauls and they were pretty good Tri-Plus parts but I could tell a little difference in the metal compared to OEM. They did however look good and I would have used them but I got a deal on some OEM fenders.

Hope that helps,

1972 Chevy SWB
New 383 Stroker/350 Turbo
Some day i'll paint it

John 3:16

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