It is paper thin without the stamped letters.
It is either JC Whitney Garbage or a realy old reproduction. Ours are just as heavy as the originals.
how are your fenders and bedsides as far as thickness and quality goes?
The fenders and bedsides are great. The bedsides are slightly thinner than the originals (I measured them once with a micrometer, but have since forgotten the thicknesses.)
they may be repops but are they tinny? thinner then stock on items aside from the tailgate? how much massaging to make them fit well?
Not tinny at all. Asside from the slightly thinner bedsides, the fenders, rockers and etc are just as heavy or even heavier than OE. As for massaging them, I didn't massage any of the parts. That doesn't mean that sometimes they need a hole slotted or something like that once in a while. However Genuine GM also will need that occasionaly. You have to remember you are taking a brand new part and placing it on a 40+ year old truck that in most cases has rusted badly or been worked to death it's whole life. Parts, OEM or otherwise will require some work sometimes. The biggest problem that I have with reproduction parts is the doors. I have stated that here many times, and complained profusely to the manufacturer about them. They have gotten better, but still are not as good as they could be. WES
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