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Old 06-06-2009, 01:29 AM   #1
Project Heaven in my 67!!!
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Bosqueville, TX
Posts: 899
Long Time...But I am BACK!!!

It has been a long time but my company has had me working like a slave since I returned from Iraq. I, however, have an update to project Heaven. I have recently come in contact with a gentleman who is an outstanding body man. He is not a mechanic though. He is working on an 89 Chevrolet that has a blown motor. I jokingly told him I would build him a motor if he would do the custom body work on project Heaven and to my surprise he agreed.

I know that some of you guys dont like the newer step bed on the back. However, this is my choice to go with. Ok, so here is where I am needing some help. I want to mount an underbed tank and get rid of the in cab tank. Having never completed this task myself if anyone could help, PLEASE HELP ME!!! Where to buy the tank? How to install? All help will be greatly appreciated.

OK, so here are the plans as I can remember. I have a rear step deletion kit for the bed. The gas tank door is going to be moved to the back of the fender so I can fill the tank without going into the bed of the truck. Tailgate handle moved to the inside of the bed. Rear license plate moved to the tailgate. Cadillac tail lights molded into the bed. Original gas tank hole (in cab) filled in. Custom wide cowl induction hood created. Flat bed cap custom airbrushing on top. Paint the entire truck to include ghost flames on the front.

Also, thinking of shaving door handles and locks. Wanted everyones opinion of this.

I also need a cheap, good used 67-68 hood if anyone happens to have one close to Central Texas. I doesnt have to be perfect as I am going to use it to make my custom cowl induction hood, however, the middle of the hood needs to be descently straight.

Last edited by tex_waco_usmc; 06-06-2009 at 01:31 AM.
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