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Old 06-06-2009, 04:57 PM   #1
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wont start, what else to check?

I been reading this thread,

And a few others.

Here is what I got. Older 350 (dont see the #'s or know where they are, so can tell you the year, or what from).

I dont know much about this beater, just got it a while back and learning.

Originally I was told the dist. HEI was bad. So tried a started working around it to see what else might be an issue.

We decided to work with a known working hei. GOt installed and pointing at #1 Cyl..

Replaced old plugs, changed oil/filter. Fixed spiced wires to Dist (yellow). Installed known working battery running between 12.4-12.8 volts. The wires are some 8.8 silicone accell's (bad speller). Not really liking th e long boots, but might end up replacing soon???

We did a #1, and #3 spark test (very weak spark). Faint blue almost mower like spark.

The carb a 4brl edlebrock seams to be stuck also, so we sprayed eather, tried it, nothing. Sprayed eather in #1 had a little burp/fart, then nothing.

Oh, instead of running gas from bad tank, we were using a milk jug(so we could see it). The fuel pump works great. Just so you know.

What else might I check for. What is the little capacitor looking thing on th e firewall that is ran to the hei? It is about 3/4-1" long and about 1/2" dia.? Did not know if it was a resister, or something that might have went bad?

Im trying here, but the truck seams to be more trying.

What I am looking to do when I get back from vacation, is this.

Remove carb, and gastank. Clean up and tune carb, install clean gas tank. Replace silicone wires with a different set, that are known to work, or do a resistance test on the wires,and make sure they have no punctures. I would like to test the two HEI's to make sure when we tried jumping the bat.. it did not fry the internal cap, but... (how to check it?).

What now?

The plans are to get this guy running, then remove and take apart install new internals, strip down truck and start fresh. I just want to do it Correctly.

Im not much of a wrench, just learning.


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