I don't have any pics underside for you:

All I did was get some 2"x3" square tubing and a swazall + highspeed cutting wheel. My rockers were rusted in the normal way = toast

I simply started cutting the outer off, then the inner and now I could see inside the rockerbox/torsion whatever you wana call it.
I used a floor jack and pushed the 2x3 up in there and cut away as needed to get the fit were I wanted it. Then I bent the lip of the rockerbox down so I could weld the 2x3 all along the rocker box to hold it inplace, added a bit more welding to the ends were the bodypanel supports are and they have worked great!
CK5.com or Pirate4x4 .com you will see alot more extrem body fab/hacking. I drew a line in the dirt and decided I like my K5 too much to turn it into anything but a K5, so I have gone as far as I'm going with the hacking