I was building a 70 cadillac chop top one time and I had it towed to a muffler shop to get a custom duel exhaust put on. The AAA driver loaded the car on a flatbed backwards. I chopped the top off of the car by this time, so the car was a complete convertible.
So the tow truck gets on the freeway and I am following in my little truck behind. We get going about 60 miles an hour and the windshield lifts off of the car, into the air about 15 feet and slams onto the pavement directly in front of me. I had to pull a jimmie johnson and swerve like no other to dodge all of the glass that was flying in every direction.
I don't think the tow truck driver ever noticed and I never told him either just in case.
I forgot to glue my new (used) windshield in the body. I should have just taken it off, but I am a space cadet sometimes.