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Old 06-11-2009, 04:43 PM   #52
BluTrukker's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Stewartville, MN
Posts: 440
Re: anyone have something fall off their truck while driving?

Had a 1980 Cutlass(first Car) duals dumped right in frot of rear tires. On my way to school, one whole side detaches from the manifold and gets run over. I put a new engine in my 91 1/2 ton when I lived at Ft. Polk, LA. Lost my 10mm socket, and figured it fell off on the highway. 2 yrs later I had moved back to MN, drop the tranny and the socket falls from somewhere on top of the tranny!
Trying to save someone from their own stupidity is like teaching a pig to dance. It is a waste of your time, and it annoys the pig!
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