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Old 06-12-2009, 10:34 PM   #1
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pull a part trip,

I made a trip to the pull a part today for a few more pieces for the truck. I got a perfect fit radiator from a van with a 4.3 v6 so it should be enough to cool my truck. It has the plastic sides and i know it isnt The best choice for the truck but it was $28 and my 88 blazer has the same kind and hasnt given me any trouble. I also got the Heater delete plates i needed . I went to pay for it and the lady asked what they were i tried to describe what they were for , she replied "well i dont see those on the list so they are free "

They actually had 3 of our trucks on the lot, one said it was a 65 but clearly had the wrap around windshield.
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