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Old 06-13-2009, 09:26 PM   #1
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HELP.. Intake Manifold Install..HELP

Hi guys I been racking my brain trying to figure out my problem and decide to try to use the wise people here so please if you can help ide be in your debt.

The problem:
I have a Edelbrock RPM Air Gap Intake manifold And a holley 670 Street Avenger Carb.
The Intake manifold only has #1 Manifold Vacuum Port and its located under the back of the carb with minimal space.

Heres a pic.

Now the problem is I can get a fitting that is low profile enough to fit but it is only One Port but im told it needs to be a T for both the brake booster vacuum from the power brakes and the transmition line.

However all the info I have looked at says its bad to T anything with the power brakes.

Any Ideas?
Any pics of how all the stuff I need to connect works , like Tranny line from TH350 , Brake vacuum and any others?
Any help would be a life saver at this point Im Just waiting to get this sorted for a fire up situation.
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