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Old 06-13-2009, 09:58 PM   #1
Uwe Blab
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Posts: 134
Am I looking at a frame off restoration?

I was hoping to avoid a frame off restoration, but it seems like with the list of things I need/like to do with the truck it will put me in frame off territory.

I have replacement gaskets for the leaking oil pan and rear main seal (I assume I'll have to move the engine to access both of these?).

The cab mounts need replacing, as well as the rockers.

The front core support is rusted out where the inner fender connects and needs fixing (along with the inner fenders).

I have a new o/d transmission to install (once I rebuild it).

Would like to move the gas tank out of the cab (although not sure where I can put it - want to keep my trapeze spare tire holder, and don't want saddle bags).

Fix bondo/body work and full repaint (silver with a white cab top).

Overall rust to removal (anybody had good luck with the soda blasting technique?).

I'm not looking for a show truck. Just a nice daily driver. So am I looking at a full frame-off?

My budget only allows me to do little bits at a time, but it seems like with many of the things I'd like to do, I should do them all at once. Unfortunately I don't have a place where I can dismantle the truck and work on it when the time and funds present themselves.

Just looking for a sounding board...and I know this place offers some of the best reverberation.
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