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Old 06-13-2009, 11:26 PM   #8
Uwe Blab
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Location: Overland Park, Kansas
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Re: Am I looking at a frame off restoration?

Originally Posted by big mike71 View Post
If you do it pm me I would like come give you hand and checkout all that is involved.
Mike, very much obliged for the offer. I'll be sure to let you know if I ever muster up the courage to 'pull that trigger'. I'd like to make it out to one of those cruises in Independence (first Saturday of the month, yes?). I could show you what I'm running with.

Slosteve, the pics of the truck are a few years old and taken right after I bought it. My dad was kind enough to haul down to his place (4 hours away) and do a once over with a good friend of his who's helped him with his own frame offs of mid-50s Oldsmobiles. So far some small improvements (new radiator, exhaust, cab supports, door seals) have been made and I do drive it on occasion. The biggest priority for me right now is the oil leak. It's not bad, but I'd rather not have the truck 'mark it's territory' everywhere we go.

You mentioned 'snowballs'. I generally use the phrase 'pull a thread on a sweater'. You're probably dead on with your estimate of taking up 3 times the space dismantled. Realistically I'm a ways off before being able to do a full frame off...maybe I should start playing the lottery again?
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