Originally Posted by Jacfourteen
I have the same carb as you and I went to the holley web site to figure out the vac lines. There are 4 vac ports on the carb and the site says that the large port on the side of carb (near the secondary diaphram) is for power brakes, the small vac port on the upper part of the primary metering block is for the distributor, the large port on the front under the primary float bowl is for pvc, and the small port right next to this is for any other vac accesory you may have (I used it for a vac guage in the dash). so I just plugged the port in my manifold and used the ports on the carb. Here is a site that has the full manual for the carb there is diagram on page 6 that will be useful to you. http://www.scribd.com/doc/9376128/Ho...buretor-Manual
Very much so thank you very much , its kinda what i thought but i figured others knew more than me said no so i better find out.
Incidently mine doesnt have the port next to secondary on the side mines in the back but im sure its funtion is the same.
Not sure why its diferent than all the pics i but it is lol
Again thanks everyone for the help.