Thread: New from Texas
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Old 06-14-2009, 02:16 PM   #1
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New from Texas

I just picked up a 72, been part of my "master plan" for years. The owner last owner didn't know much about it, as in motor or whats been done. He slapped on the 2" lift and the jeep seats. I've got the original buckets and rear seat. First thing I've got to do is make sure the number match or not. Going to keep it as original as possible. Although I do want to put in a full cage. I'll be putting rallys on it if anyone wants these rims, some American Racing. I also want to put a rag top on. Lot of wants, just takes time, knowledge, and money, short on all.

First question is to help me identify what the heck I have....the id on the head is V1029TDR, what the heck is the TDR?

Front axle has 44-5F (Dana?), rear is GM56, and the tranfer case is C-99404 NP (205?).

Glad I found the forum, I'll be around, I'm sure with a lot of questions. Like this one, picked up a Chilton shop manual for 69-82 blazers, is this the best thing they have out there for our stuff? Part of that whole lack of knowledge thing.

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