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Old 06-16-2009, 11:39 AM   #540
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Originally Posted by 1964C10 View Post
Mac, sorry to hear about your thumb! The things we bleed for right? lol. Just a quick question, do you have a thermostat in the cooling system? If so, how come you are seeing coolant flow in the radiator?
Yes - I've got a 180 degree thermostat in the motor and it's been my experience that with the cap off - with the engine at idle - you can see small bubbles and such floating by when the thermostat opens. I think in this initial case - with me leaving this very cheesy Mr. Gasket (with the heat gauge) cap on and not allowing the system to purge any air - the cap eventually let the pressurized coolant by, down the clear connector tube and into the catch bottle.

That's the way I'm telling the story, anyway.
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