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Old 06-19-2009, 08:58 AM   #6
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Re: Anyone trim the frame to fit your headers?

No engineer by any stretch of the imagination, but imho it's completely different than the example given by Kim57. When trimming for an axle to sit and welding in the curved support, the force is going downwards and distributing the load. If you remove the are on top though, the force is 100% still on the bottom regardless of what kind of support you give it. To explain what I mean I just took the lazy way and flipped Kim57's picture over. I'm sure someone with some engineering background could probably comment better. FWIW the PO of my truck had done precisely 4DSeven wants to do just to clear a stock manifold on the passenger side. I rewelded a patch into my frame and boxed that area just to support any potential weaknesses there were that I couldn't see.
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