Originally Posted by Strodder
I have the patience for body work. It just takes me too long. I want it to come out perfect. To me it's like sculpture. It's an Art. You can't rush Art.
Who the hell is Art?. Art who? 
It is definately a form of art. Also part Doctor.
Originally Posted by mbgmike
Looks like you are on the right track now. You don't know how PO'd i get when I hear about shops ripping people off. Its hard enough to stay in business and then have companies doing shoddy work and thieves to boot. We have plenty of them in the Houston area to. I've heard this kind of stuff for years now. You generally get what you pay for however sometimes this kind of crap happens. That door looks like it was someones first attempt at welding and I would have fired the person that did that. That was not a body shop it went to.
Greed is a deadly sin. My reputation means more than I can say. If you treat people good they will definately remember. Especially in todays world.
Originally Posted by mbgmike
Thats the problem I had and had for years. They told me my problem was that I would stop and stare and admire my work too long. You just have to learn to do it right and go on to the next step and keep going. I still have the problem but have gotten better at it  You can't waste time.
Originally Posted by scotts62
Well yours are almost done and i haven't started on mine yet, fair trade right??  Looking good! 
Too bad the other one needs more work than this one.
Originally Posted by Palf70Step
I hear you. Mine must be art as long as I am taking. 
Hope to get more done tomorrow. We'll see how fathers day goes.