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Old 06-21-2009, 10:52 PM   #80
Resistance is Futile
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Re: Protrash Re-hash

Originally Posted by jason65 View Post
Lookin good Jeff. I'm slow also. But you can see so much more when your not just flying through it. Your shave job on the outside door handles looks good. I see some around here that are so bubbled and rusted that it aint cool anymore. Do you like your static drop or the wifes pnumatic drop best?
Thanx know..I have to admit I like static drops the best. Both of the trucks ride nicely. I just dont like screwing around when Im ready to go. I also would use 3/8's line...and I may redo the system at some point. 1/2'' is a pain. 1/4'' line reminds me of a deflating air matress .

The handles, and eveything else, will look better now that Im more experienced at bodywork. For people that are interested, here are the tools that I use. I use a refillable spray bottle for the wax and grease remover...all the Durablocks and I have a flexable block that is not pictured. I use the standard grinders and die grinders also....and as I mentioned before, a straight edge + a stick to check the body for straightness.

The supplies are all Evercoat (fiberglass, Rage, glaze). I use rolled adhesive backed paper. 36g for ripping down the fiberglass and then most of the stuff Im doing now is 150g....Im blocking and fixing some things. I figure the 3rd or 4th time I do this stuff the truck will be looking really nice.
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