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Old 06-22-2009, 05:56 PM   #1
low n' slo
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Burb FAQ- What was original?

i got a 67 suburban, and as im about 70% through my body work i was wondering if i should make it appear as original as possible. i know the body trim is original on pretty much all of them, but what about the emblems? i see some with c10 on the fenders, while others have something else. "chevrolet" across the hood on some. some have the reflectors on the fenders and rear quarters, etc. how can i tell exactly what it came with. right now i think it came with "chevrolet" across the hood, and c10 with a chevy emblem on the fenders, and also only a driver side mirror, no passenger. i may or may not do all of it, but it depends on what came on it. thanks.
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