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Old 06-23-2009, 06:17 PM   #7
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Re: My Build Thread (year+) on 71 Jimmy 4x4

Right on thanks amigo.

Dug up the directions on Rough Country website. This set of add-a-leafs is longer to be used in conjunction with already lifted springs. It states to insert them as a pyramid. Make sure the one above it is longer and the one under is shorter.
This means its going to have to be the 2nd spring in the pack, maybe 3rd. Looks like I have to take the whole pack apart.

How hard is it to compress the springs again with C clamps I wonder?

The Shims will be last step before I can lengthen my driveline.

The part im stuck on is that I want to go with a doubler eventually but I want to drive it now. I'd hate to rebuild the driveline 2x. *sigh*
71 Jimmy: D60/14BFF, 9"F/11"B Lift, 350-350-203-205, Crossover Hydro steering, Beadlocks, Tube stuff and the bottomless cooler
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