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Old 03-29-2003, 06:21 AM   #1
the baron
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Liège , Belgium
Posts: 263
Cool New guy on this board

Hi to all ,
Glad to discover this board , it will help me a lot to fix my 1979 C10 Cheyenne long bed 4X2 pick-up truck & talk a lot about it .
It has a lot of work to undergo , bed is rusted through , left front fender is almost gone , new exhaust has to be put...
I'm a low budget guy , so I won't put any 454ci in it , no special wheels , it will remain straight stock.
Should not complain , I bought this truck for 500 US$...It is my daily driver.

about myself :
38 years old , living in Belgium (Europe) , being an engineering Officer in the belgian Navy , american car lover since my youth.

I own also an 1977 Impala , 250ci , sedan , which has also a lot of work to undergo , but it rides nices , I called the car : " Ye old reliable" ( never let down... )
As my girl friend can not drive a car , I gave her the impala , which survived my beloved , for more than a year now...
Tell me about strenght...

Cannot imagine a life behind a wheel of a non american car

"The Baron"
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