Originally posted by J-Spec C10
Great Idea! Where'd you get that adapter? would an S10 remote oil filter from the 4.3 S10 work?
That is a standard oil filter adapter avalible from Summit or Jegs.
It uses HP4 Fram Racing filters you can get most anywhere like Autozone or Napa.
I use one on my trans (the pic) and another just like it on the opposite fenderwell for engine oil.
Makes changing engine oil super easy!
I couldn't tell you on the S10 remote setup.
I have never even lifted the hood of one of those.
I know C-10s (or just about anything with a V8) only.
If you could send me some pics of a S-10 setup including the adapter and a shot of a line section with a 25 cent piece near so I can judge the line size I can tell you.