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Old 06-27-2009, 12:36 PM   #5
El Jay
Gone to greener pastures
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Re: Distributor Problems

Originally Posted by neonlarry View Post
Have you checked to see if the rotor contact is making good contact with the button on the cap? If not put a dab of dielectric grease on the rotor contact and install the cap, then remove and check to see that the impression in the grease goes all the way to the metal of the contact.
Also check all your grounds carefully (shiny metal to shiny metal).
I already did that. I really appreciate you offering the suggestion, though. There has to be a simple solution that I'm just overlooking.
As a side note, you coming down here to cousin Jerry's in 2 weeks? We all met at Roseville. I had the ugly, POS long step.

Originally Posted by VetteVet View Post
This thread was posted by slammed70 last year and he had the same problem. I found a forum where they suspected the plug wires for the cause. I never did get a hard fast fix on it. You might PM slammed70 and see if he found the cause. VV

I pulled the plug wires & checked the resistance. All were good, except one. My multimeter showed that it was open. I wouldn't think that 1 plug wire would cause all these problems; & the plug wires were installed the same time as all the other ignition parts.

Thanks for getting back to me.

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