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Old 03-29-2003, 07:16 PM   #2
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I put a ounce of two of oil in mine every few years but there is no way to tell if that is why my 1984 still has it's factory compressor.

I am suprised yours did not lock up and throw the belt.
It clearly died. Save what's left and use it for your core though.

I can tell you one thing. Don't get a compressor at a Autozone if you are going to stick with R12.
I did a few years ago for my Z/28 and after putting three on from them (and charging them all with 4 cans of R12 each) I finally got one that was not locked up.
That would be waay expensive today.
You could go with a GM one but the price will kill you and it will probably be a rebuilt one too.

You are going to need a flush followed by 1 hour of vacumn or the new compressor will fail real quick.
You will also have to go with a new dryer but you will find that out as many places will not sell you a compressor without a new dryer.
I would first find out why the old compressor failed.
Was it cycling the compressor on and off?
The noises you mentioned tell me might have ran out of oil and something inside went.
If the freon was low then this can happen 'cause the freon carries the oil.
When was the last time you added any R12?
I bet you have a leak somewhere and that has GOT to be fixed first.
Now would be a real good time to go over to R134 as if I sold you the freon you would need 4 cans at the least. Thats' $140 without the shipping. Add $30 for the haz. fee to ship the stuff.
I would also need a copy of your license to buy the stuff.
I hate to say that but would you pay the EPA fine for me if something happened? Around $250,000?

Go with the R134 and you can get it even out there without the expense and the hassle.
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