Re: My little long bed 62
Haha no the brake fluid is mine, and yeah I already had the dual master out to rebuild the brake side. I would've thought being as the brake and clutch are one assembly that the rebuild kit would cover both.... well they have to be ordered seperately and the clutch kit wont be in till tomorrow.
Someone else mentioned that the pedal springing to the floor is common if disconnected from the mc.
But all this is irrelevant. I am having major title difficulties!!! Being a newbie and not knowing what to look for in a title I have discovered that the guy I bought it from didnt have the title transfered into his name, and the guy he bought it from didnt get it transfered into his name either. so.... i gotta get ahold of the guy whose name is on the title (230 miles away) and hopefully he is nice enough to get a duplicate title (to eliminate previous buyers name)sign a bill of sale for me. I sure hope I dont lose my truck!!! I do have a bill of sale from the guy I bought it from so I'm halfway covered but I wanna keep it regardless....
Last edited by Ghostwhite; 06-29-2009 at 03:30 PM.