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Old 06-29-2009, 04:53 PM   #1
Bus Ted Knuckle
Son of a gun
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Hot Springs, Arkansas
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Looky what the mailman brought me today!-totally not truck related day for some NEW toys, for my OTHER passion, cartridge reloading and shooting.

What could it be, oh what could it be!?! (the logo on the box should be a clue if you are a reloader)

Here is a teaser...

NEW BULLET MOULD! and accessories! 9mm 124 grain round nose tumble lube, alox lube, and ladle.

Several buckets of wheel weights, just waiting for a resurrection. Never cast my own before, with 500 lead bullets pushing $80 I figured it was time to start.

I also ordered a .38/.357 158 grain SWC mould too, they said they would send it to me when it was available...

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