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Old 06-30-2009, 01:22 PM   #9
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Re: Not cool dude!!!

I think we should have all of the Arizona board members provide an alibi for the time that the parts in question were stolen. I'm just kidding of course!

I get suspicious anytime someone I don't know starts poking around (staking out) my Blazer in my driveway or parking lot. There are so many of these 67-72 trucks out here that I know that some guys are looking for what they can take and use on their own trucks. That is why I keep it in my garage as much as I can. I came out of the Home Depot once and spotted some punk ducking his head (deeply) into my Blazer like he was really intersted in something. I just stood back and waited for him to reach for something. If he did, I was going to run up and break the piece of 4" schedule 40 PVC I had in my hand over his head. He never did, so I walked up and asked him if it was his Blazer. He said no, as I got into it and started it up.
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