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Old 03-29-2003, 11:53 PM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
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My questions:

Do I really need a new dryer? (& what is its purpose?)

Freon probably wasn't low because it was recharged two years ago - I really don't think it has a leak

What do I need to convert to R134?

Can't I just reuse the freon I have? If I can't - why not [/B]
You need a new dryer because the old one is full of debris and water that will kill the new compressor.
It's purpose is to take out the water in your system because water and freon when mixed together form a strong acid that will kill the compressor and everything else in your A/C system.
The debris in it comes from the breakup of the compressor internals that caused the compressor to fail.
That is two seperate reasons to get a new one and they don't cost that much anyway. That you can get at a Autozone or the like.When you get it...DO NOT take the seals off until the install. If it does not have seals on it when you buy it= run as fast as you can from that store.

You can reuse the freon you have if you have a collection machine that cleans and stores it long enough for you to fix the original problem. They run $1500 or so.
It is not a liquid you can pour out and pour back in. It is a high pressure gas. You have to change the compressor right?, You will lose all your freon.

To convert to R134, get a conversion kit from a parts place and read the directions. They all differ too much for me to tell you.

You will still have to flush the system to get the junk out. The old oil needs to go too so you can use the right oil for R134. The flush will do both for you.
You will also have to pull a vacumn on the lines for about a hour (if the vacumn pump is strong) or longer. This is done after you have all your parts installed and just before you add your new oil and freon. Miss this step and BYE-BYE whole system.

If you have never done this type of work I would highly recommend you hire it done. These systems are too carefully balanced to be throwing parts at.

I see far too many people miss the steps above and then bring it to me to fix.
When I tell them the cost they usually give up on it. EVERYTHING has to be replaced usually.

If you have anymore questions on this please ask. You need A/C where you live!
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